2. Test Results

The test results are presented in a spreadsheet containing multiple tabs.

The first tab presents a summary of the tests per product:

  • The first table shows the number of passed tests versus total tests, offering a quick overview of vendor compliance. The result is reported using the notation (NumberPassedTests / NumberTotalTests). Colors are also used to highlight the level of interoperability (green being the best and red the worst)

  • The second table shows more detail on the interoperability between each pair of products: One product acting as Publishers (rows) and one as Subscriber (columns). The result is again reported using the notation (NumberPassedTests / NumberTotalTests).

The second tab contains a summary of the test descriptions. The full details can be found in the Test Descriptions section.

The remaining tabs in the spreadsheet (see tab selection at the bottom of the spreadsheet) contain the individual test case results per product. Each tab is named after the respective product and contains two tables:

  • Left-side table: Current product as publisher and all products as subscribers.

  • Right-side table: Current product as subscriber and all products as publishers.

Access the report at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PAadN1yx3d2KcefcwwDMxnNUxTYUQQth/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=111540559258614514712&rtpof=true&sd=true