1. Introduction

The OMG® DDS® Interoperability Testsuite is a collection of test cases that validate the wire protocol interoperability of implementations of the Data Distribution Service® (DDS) standard. The test suite verifies that different DDS implementations communicate as expected across a variety of scenarios, including various Quality of Service (QoS) settings.

The OMG DDS Interoperability Testsuite are publicly available on this repository: https://github.com/omg-dds/dds-rtps/

1.1. Test Descriptions

The test cases are implemented on using an application, called Shape Application, that is compiled against each of the DDS implementations, resulting in a different binary executable for each DDS implementation.

The Shape Application has a set of command-line parameters controlling its behavior (e.g. publish versus subscribe), the Qos settings (e.g. reliability, durability, ownership), and the use of various other features (e.g. Content Filters). More information on the the command-line options can be found in this README file: Shape Application Parameters Section in README.

Each test case is is defined in terms of a specific deployment of the Shape Application executables, the parameters used to run each executable, and the expected test result (return code). The produced return code depends on the output of the Shape Application. More information is available in the README file’s Return Code section: Return Code Section in README

A test case minimally runs two instances of the Shape Application, one acting as a Publisher or a Subscriber application. Some test cases may run additional instances when it is required to exercise a particular behavior.

For example, a specific test case may specify running the binary for Implementation1 with parameters that configure it to publish data with a certain Qos against the binary for Implementation2 with parameters that cause it to subscribe data with a different Qos. The expected result may state that all data published by one application should be received by the other one in the correct order without any duplicates.

A test case passes if the communication between the Publisher and Subscriber application(s) matches what is expected for that scenario. The “expected” behavior may involve receiving all samples sent, or specific subsets (e.g. when using content filters or exclusive ownership Qos), it may also involve verifying that samples are received in specific order, or not received at all (e.g. when the Qos is incompatible). Where needed, a test case defines a check_function to parse the output printed by the Shape Application and determine whether the test case passes or fails.

The test cases included in the OMG DDS Interoperability Testsuite are defined in a test suite that is part of this repository.

1.2. Test Performed

The OMG DDS Interoperability Testsuite runs the test cases using all permutations of DDS implementations as Publisher and as Subscriber applications. The products included in the tests are the Shape Applications uploaded to the latest release of the repository.